Healthcare Credentialing Is More than a Cost Concern
The traditional healthcare credentialing process is both costly and time-consuming. It can take months to secure provider credentials, consuming administrative resources, and impacting the financial health of both providers and healthcare facilities. Delays in hospital vendor credentialing have similar impacts, preventing access to the equipment and materials your facility needs for day-to-day operations.
The issue goes far beyond providers. Difficulty in securing vendor credentials prevents facilities from offering the best possible care to patients — whether the vendor supplies essential medical equipment or laundry services. A delay in medical staff office credentialing slows down the administrative aspects of your facility, making it more difficult to book timely appointments and delaying treatment.

Easing Common Concerns with the SEC³URE Ethos Platform
Healthcare credentialing doesn’t need to have a negative impact on your patients. The SEC³URE Ethos platform is a streamlined, automated credentialing platform that cuts the months-long credentialing process to weeks. Built upon transparency, neutrality, and independence principles, SEC³URE Ethos is the world’s largest healthcare community built on trust, with over 10,000 registered locations of care.
SEC³URE Ethos makes healthcare credentialing a smooth and frictionless process, whether credentialing medical staff or vendors. You get the people and services you need when you need them. More importantly, so do your patients. Don’t let credentialing prevent you from doing what you do best: taking care of your patients.