In December 2010, the Department of Health and Human Services launched Healthy People 2020, which set forth an annual target goal of 90 percent for influenza vaccinations among health care personnel (HCP) by 2020. Now we’re on the home stretch to hit that goal. With the 2019-2020 flu season upon us, it’s time to look for ways to make more significant strides towards the finish line.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is already significant flu activity in 24 states across the country and flu seasons often see spikes between December and February. Your facility can make a difference this flu season in three ways:

    1. Get everyone on board!
      Did you know that requiring influenza vaccinations from occupational visitors, volunteers, students, and contracted personnel could increase the vaccination rate of your medical staff? Humans have a basic instinct to move and think as a group. This “herd mentality” is formed by our survivalist nature and makes us all more cooperative.
    2. Know where you stand.
      Each facility is tasked with maintaining a gradual increase in their vaccination rates year-over-year. Having access to a tool such as the SEC3URE Seasonal Flu Report to track those entering your facility from October 1st to March 31st each year will provide real-time reporting you can use to manage your current status. Using the regulatory NQF formula, the report also captures your season-end progress each year, so you are able to track your yearly incremental improvements.
    3. Target communications.
      Regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), TJC, and the CDC all agree that the best way to increase flu vaccination rates in healthcare personnel is via education and communication. In addition to weekly reminders, the SEC3URE Seasonal Flu Report makes it easy to target and communicate with those individuals who need additional supportive data. Data from the report can also be shared with key stakeholders in your organization via an export tool.

In the 2017–18 flu season, flu vaccination coverage among HCP was 78.4%, similar to coverage during the 2016–17 season (78.6%). This tells us that healthcare facilities are yet to reach their 2020 goal and tracking flu vaccination coverage rates helps gauge progress toward the goal. If your facility’s numbers are just not as high as you would like, we can help.

IntelliCentrics has teamed up with MinuteClinic to offer immunization services through SEC3URE Passport. The quadrivalent flu vaccine is available for anyone aged 18 and older, while the high-dose flu vaccine is only for adults 65 years or older, per CDC guidelines. It is one of the ways we help SEC3URE facilities achieve their Healthy People 2020 goal for flu vaccination coverage, and it is also a convenience to our subscriber community. Let’s join our forces and #FightFlu together!